Saturday 14 January 2017


I'm spending a bit of time organising my work for display. I'm dividing my stuff into two Gallery Blogs, one will be for Painting and the other I have started for Pen & Ink work (half-finished - 11 pictures at the moment)

I've got some of my very first drawings in there, for example, Monschau, which is a small town in the Eifel Mountains in Northern Germany. We spent a lot of time there 1979 - 83.

This early drawing was made in 1980.

                                         Monschau                                             John Simlett
Pen & Ink on Cartridge Paper
10.5 inch x 7.5 inch
(265 mm x 190 mm)
If you can  check out the new blog and feedback any errors I would appreciate it.... here's the link