So far my paintings are coming out far better than I had anticipated, how long that goes on for is anyone's guess.
I hear a little friendly cynicism: have I dabbled before? To be perfectly honest, no I haven't. The only paint I ever used was on tea-towel designs, where I drew them out in pen & ink and then coloured in the spaces with poster paint - no blending allowed.
So this really is my first attempt at artistic painting, and the only reason I'm using acrylics is because I was given a whole bunch of them.
Rosie-Lee John Simlett Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 14 inches x 10 inches |
I have to understand the basic processes before I start attempting anything and I use the same route whether it be poetry, writing software, flying, drawing... or painting. So my 'procrastination' is a necessary part of my 'route in.' I need to read and observe the basic processes and talk about them.
Painting is no different to Creative Writing. They say that it is impossible to teach people how to become writers. Maybe, but you can give people the tool kit and train them to a point where they go solo, thereafter, only their natural skill, talent and lots of practise will decide how successful they will become.
Well I'm a long way from going solo as a painter, but I'm managing to get my mind around the processes and enjoying myself immensely and that's what it's all about!
Why Rosie Lee? In the middle of London is the Church of Bow. Anyone born within the sound of Bow-Bells is deemed to be a Cockney (a Cockney Sparrow). The Cockneys' love to talk in Rhyming slang - which is a code hard to crack:
Apples & Pears = Stairs
Trouble & Strife = The Wife
Do you get the idea? Rosie-Lee = cup of tea!