Wednesday 10 October 2012

NOW... I don't want to FriGHten you BUT!!!!!!!!

I should warn you that folk stay away from my house at HallOOOOOween. You see it's a very ooOOoold house, set back from the road. The garden wall is hidden behind large hoOOOOlly trees which shut out 'street light' with their prickly  fooOOOOoliage!. The front door looks welcoming in the sunlight .... but ... on a dark creepy night with the spotlights switched off, and only the little light over the door on, with the wind whistling around the hilltop we live on gets ... .....SsssssSSSSsPPPpppooooOOOOOOKKY!

Years agoOOOOoo, so the story goes, a group of brave young Trick or Treaters, took their courage in both hands, and, slowly, e  v  e   r       s  o         s   l   o   w   l    y, approached the front door. One tip-toed forward and banged with the brass door-knocker... BANG, BAN N N N G G g g .... it echoed around the hallway. There was a sound of footsteps .... a bolt was drawn back stood on end ....the dooOOOOor sssloooOOOOOwly OooOOOopened. The children ran screaming .... straight through the gate, their screams fading as they went down the hill... to this day the children will not speak about what they saw ... they just repeat the same mantra when questioned, "Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble!" But today, and just for your ears you should understand, I can reveal the truth ... what the ccchhhildren saw....

Pat  & Giselle (1997) When will these witches meet again?
Pretty scary, hmm? Luckily the other two granddaughters weren't here at the time. But last week (below) they were preparing for the 31st!!  I hope they don't get into hot (bubble bubble toil and trouble) water!"


  1. Dear John, what I'd like to knock on your door the night of Halloween!
    It 'a beautiful door that would look good in a watercolor!
    Tonight also send me to sleep laughing!
    Thank you John!

    1. :0) :0) Glad you were amused ... it's a true story!

  2. It IS a gorgeous door in daylight. But not in the dark at Halloween, I'm sure. Very scary witches! :) Nice to meet more family!

  3. That door is too beautiful to be scary--but in the dark of night, with a single light eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, trouble brews as witches dance cackling, chanting round the pot-- double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble much to my delight. I adore Halloween, but a bit early for fair maids to preen, better a boat ride on the sea.

  4. Laughing OoOOut loud...
    Pat and Giselle look adorable-sorry, I meant scAAaryyy... And both your granddaughters are such a beauty! The door too. But, I promise I'll stay away at Halloween's night. Anyway I'm too far away... :)
    Delightful post dear John!
    Warm regards.

  5. I have to agree with Konstantina; the girls are gorgeous! I love scary houses! You'd have to try to keep me away were I able to visit on Halloween!

  6. They are also the 'brains' of the family!

  7. What a great post! I'll bet you do the whole Pumpkin cut outs and all! You have such a gorgeous family and they are lucky to have a Granddad so fun and young so involved :0)

  8. Oops! That was meant to say 'young at heart' duh! ;0)

    1. Thanks Sandra! No we don't bother since Pat overcooked Hansel and Gretel

  9. So you have quite the reputation at Halloween, in your neighborhood! Wonderful story, John. And the photo of your grand-daughters out boating is lovely - they are both such beautiful women. :) And you are such a proud grandfather. :)

    1. To true, very proud - Lauren on the left, the Cambridge Law graduate... Jade on the right the Forensic Psychologist and was a clinical supervisor at Manchester University.

      Giselle the writer

  10. That's a very distinguished-looking door John, and that's one heck of a Fuchsia. As everyone else has said, you have a great family and it's easy to see why you're so proud of them. Great post ... had me on the edge of my seat. ;-)

    1. It's a great old house, John. I got it for a song, because it had fallen into disrepair. I've spent the last 23 years renovating it and building bits on.

      It's like all families, John ...Ups & downs ... but we survive!

  11. Ciao John,
    very nice and amusing description..I like your play with words...
    It is very important to play and to laugh for the life of every one!! Good!!
    Ciao, ciao, Floriana

    1. Ciao Floriana,

      Thank you for your, comment - I loved your last two pictures - such lovely reflections!

  12. Too funny. but I LOVE your front door. Not scary at all. Now the Girls.. yes they are.. lol

    1. True story, Cris ... Pat ran after the kids to reassure them, but that made it worse.

      Remind me to tell you why we don'r get Carol Singers!

  13. It is weird, but I cannot remember trick or treat when I lived in England. Bonfire night and Harvest Festival, yes, but why can I not remember Halloween?
    That is one classy door but not as classy as your lovely grandchildren and reading about their accomplishments was an added treat.

    1. We never ever celebrated Halloween, it was a very American celebration. It was only after we moved to Yorkshire that we noticed it was starting here.

      The modern day kids are so globalized through TV & the Internet that have cherry picked their own culture, one that owes as much to 'Friends' and 'Scrubs' as it does to 'Coronation Street.' They have adapted Halloween and they have made the end of school Prom their own (and that is very American). But they don't know they have invented it they think its always been there!

      The more conservative resent changes like this, but in truth, if we all pinched the best bits from each others cultures just imagine what a great time we'ed all have.

  14. beautiful family...and that door is spectacular!!

    1. They take after me :0) (not!)

      It's been there 109 years! - It's the storm doors. It's a double opening door into a small porch. Inside you are faced with a front door and wall of stained glass - spectacular.

  15. You're so funny!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us, John!!! It looks like such a fun family!! (Love the door!)

  16. Thanks, Hilda - glad it amused you.

    Just seen your wonderful Tiger, will be over to your place later ...Coffee & cookies?

  17. John, you have a beautiful family. I just love that magnificent door, just lovely.

    All the best to you,

    1. Thank you, Joan. I've just been looking at your rose - beautiful!

  18. And to me out just looks like the sort of door that the prime minister would walk through. What do I know? Relieved I am an ocean away. Scary family. And the worst of all, I suspect, is lurking behind the camera.

  19. I used to be a werewolf bit I'm OK NooooOOOOOOOOOOOw!!!

  20. Ha ha ha!!! This story is fabulous John, it brought a much needed smile to my face. :)))) Your grand daughters are beauties!! And I can't imagine that door looking scary it is far too posh and beautiful for that. But. . . then again, maybe I should see it at night just to be sure. :)

    1. Glad it amused you, Crystal - thanks for dropping by

  21. OH how funny! Love your use of lettering to tell the story:-)
