Thursday 14 March 2013

Progress Report

I have realised that it is totally impracticable to run two blogs - I can hardly cope with one, with all the constraints on my time, I have therefore incorporated the second in with this one. 

The Story So Far:

I started a second blog, "How I Became The Best Painter in the World," and began journalling the journey  from 'A to Z' on my way to achieving my goal... how I became the Best Painter in the World
Note: I am currently struggling at step 'A' so it take weeks to become the best!! :0)

So what have I done towards becoming the best (I currently have never painted):
1. Actual painting - none.
2. Made a Studio Easel which is still in the workshop whilst the paint dries.
3. Katherine Tyrrell's   Making A Mark is a fantastic blog (voted the 3rd best art blog in the UK) from which I extracted theTop 10 books on Oils and ordered them:
"The Oil Painting Book," Bill Creevy
4. I Have Julie Ford-Oliver's Video off Daily Paintworks,

"Brushwork Essentials," Mark Weber

5. My good friend Sandra Busby has given me some great video links to Windsor & Newton demos.

6. I have ordered 10 stretched canvases (cotton) 10 inch x 14 inch at £2.20 each  ($3.50).

I would love some advice on:

 which simple palette to start with colour-wise ?
 what do you feel about water mixable oils?

I am making slow progress because I am still, making the four poster bed, editing a book, going down to Hampshire to see the remains of one of the first US warships incorporated in the structure of an old English mill (see last few postings, below).

I also have to draw this building in Pen & Ink for a client... otherwise I haven't much to do! :0)


  1. Wow! You are a busy guy! Hang in there. I hope you post the "building" for us when it's finished.

  2. You are SO busy, John!! I get dizzy with all you're doing..I am looking forward to seeing this pen and ink of the building!!! I know already it's going to be spectacular!!

  3. The commission takes priority to cover the cost of your travels and art supplies. I think you're overloaded. Do get Schmid's book. It really is the best on the market. While drawing is key, add color to the quotient and life becomes complicated. Then there's the art of brushwork...

    1. I have always been verging on 'overloaded' Linda. That's the way I like it! As long as it doesn't become 'work' and remains fun, then I enjoy all the mad projects that I somehow attract.

      As for painting, it will be an adventure, and although each stage of learning will throw up it's obstacles they will never become problems :0)

    2. You're right there. It's the challenges that keep us intrigued.

  4. Your post between seriousness and humor, brightens my day!
    Knowing how many things there are to do, it makes life ... FULL!

    1. You're right, Rita - a FULL of FUN life is where I try to keep things!

  5. I tried two blogs myself for a super short while. I couldn't do them both justice either, alas. I am looking forward, however, to seeing your run to becoming the best artist in the world!

    1. And you change your blog wallpaper like a chameleon, Sherry:0) so you don't settle for the status quo either.

      I look forward to efficiently turning oil and canvas into garbage

  6. I'm dizzy with Hilda, lol!
    And you are so welcome - if I can help in any way, then of course I'm glad too... though I still have a huge amount to learn my self :0)
    Palette wise I'd go for a white and two of each primary to start with - One on the cool side and one on the warm side. You can make a huge amount of colours just from mixing those... And if you stick with transparents for now, you can't mix mud! Avoid black - mix your own as has far more depth.
    French Ultra Marine Blue, Burnt Sienna and Alizarin Crimson are three I couldn't do without, but you'll find your own favorites :0)
    I tried water mixable oils and didn't like them. I found them chalky - but I know lots of other people who love them - so that's not of much use to you, is it, lol! ;0)

  7. You have been so supportive and given so much help and advice, Sandra. Thank you, you are very kind.

    I shall set up a palette as you suggest when I return from Hapshire

  8. I was weary before I read this post .... now I'm completely exhausted. I can only conclude you'll be the guy to eventually create the 30 hour day, 8-day week or better still ... perpetual motion. I'll continue to watch in eager anticipation. ;-)

  9. Whoa when you go colour/color you go all out!! Beautiful easel!!! Well done. I have one very similar to that one. And I missed your last post. Well, it's been years since I've touched oils. Now I am playing with acrylics in addition to the watercolors. Someday I may do oils again. I had a great starter palette, based upon research in quite a few books, but can't for the life of me remember where it is. I honestly can't wait to hear about your Hampshire trip. I'm excited for you.

    Don't ask too much of yourself. Take it the speed that your life will allow or you will just burn yourself out. This is for joy. Don't expect great art right away. It takes time. (I have to tell myself of this all of the time). The great art will remain in the pen and ink for a while.

    Loved your response to my last comment, btw. Pip pip!
