Sunday 27 January 2013

Update on the 'Susan Constant'

Work progresses slowly on the Susan Constant

Similarly the Four Poster is taking ages, because there are so many things competing for my time and I have been feeling well below par 

However there is no time limit or target dates, and so I will plod along.

I've bought some great books on what went on in the immediate time following the Susan C and I am discovering the amazing adventures that followed... which include more ships!!!


  1. You're feeling below par? Well, I hope you feel better soon! Your drawing of the Susan Constant is wonderful. I am amazed that you are so good at all these things. You must have the patience of a saint!

    1. I'm fine now, thank you. I am not a patient person in general, but for some reason the combination of translating the the plans into a 3D drawing and the calculations involved works for me.

      Learning about each part of a ship built over 400 years ago, and about the crew/passengers/ and the history of what happened to them, makes me want to write as much as draw!

  2. So sorry you have not been feeling well, John, and glad to hear you are on the mend. Your woodworking shop looks much like the one my father had - he used to make furniture as well. Is that cherry wood you are using? The Susan Constant is coming along beautifully and already I am in love with the detail and amazed at how lightly you are indicating the rigging.

    1. I'm fine now thank you, Susan. No it's not cherry it's mahogany (my favourite) - but they look similar when varnished don't they?

      Glad you like the Susan C - I'm always a bit worried about making the rigging to 'heavy' as it can detract from the lines of the vessel.

  3. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, John! I love the progression on Susan looks amazing so far...feel better!

    1. I'm fine now, thank you. Glad you like the Susan C

  4. Dear John, how many activities! And in each one, you're very BRAVO!
    Your ship is becoming more and more amazing!

    I wish you good health,at this time of year where the climate is challenging.From a certain point in life, I deeply understand the importance of the mid-season, those where there is neither too cold nor too hot!

    1. Italy 23 France 18!!!

      Thank you Rita, I'm fit & well again

  5. Well, since you have lost your Mojo - I'm amazed that artistically, you appear unaffected! The ship is incredible!
    I have lost my Mojo too. Simply can not find it anywhere - and with it seems to have gone my ability to be remotely creative!

    1. Mojo is fine ... heart condition plays up occaisonally. Glad you like the ship

  6. This is combing along beautifully, John! I do so hope you are feeling better soon, though.

    1. I'm fine now, thank you. Glad you like the Susan C

  7. The progression of your "Susan Constant" is incredible, John. I already imagine the awesome beauty of the finished painting. Take care! Ciao.

  8. John, the Susan C is coming along magnificently! And you have a most enviable woodworking shop. I empathize completely with your being under the weather, and hope you are back to feeling 100% soon!!!

  9. I can't believe that in between the four poster and Susan Constant, you still have time to read and write. Do you sleep at night or just keep going 24-hours a day. Susan Constant is looking fabulous already, and I envy your wood-working skills. But TWO Workmates .... now that really IS showing off!!! lol.

    1. One workmate has to be carbon-dated to establish how long I've had it!

      I like to keep busy:0)

  10. The sense of volume you are achieving is amazing John so maybe slow plus the reading as you go along makes for a good combination. Personally I am loving seeing it develop.

    Bedposts - bah! they can come later!

    1. Mu problem is keeping up with myself :0))

      Because I can read into the future, I can tell that later, to the roll of drums, that you will hope I'm feeling better!!

      Thanks in advance!

  11. Your ability to translate dimension just blows my mind... Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    1. I'm fine now, thank you. Glad you like the process!

  12. Your ability to translate dimension just blows my mind... Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  13. John, just take your time, and try to feel better. Your work and your ability to do what you do, blows my mind also. Make sure you take vitamins and eat healthy. lol, I am the last one to give advice on proper nutrition, the queen of candy bars and chips. Oh well, take care and I look forward to your next post.

    All the best to you,

  14. Realized that I didn't mention your health earlier. Reading how kind everyone has been by wishing you better health in their comments, makes me feel neglectful and guilty. My excuse, I was concentrating in awe on your work. So to make it comes. Drum roll....
    So glad to hear you are feeling better, John..

    1. I told you above, that you would say this :0) Thanks again! :0))

  15. John, sorry I haven't been for a visit in a while-we had no internet access in the new house initially and unpacking a million boxes took up a bit of time but i'm back and blogging like billio and so i'm trying to catch up with my blog visits. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well-I hope you are better now. The ship illustration is phenomenal as all your work is-so intricate and detailed.
