Tuesday 23 January 2018

Underpainting stage 1

I have made a start on my latest, and here is the first part of the underpainting  using only raw umbra. 

27 x 19.5 inches
Oil on stretched Italian linen

I always rely on the eyes to make my portrait work, here the eyes aren't visible so quite a challenge for me. As if the lighting wasn't tricky enough.

I'm letting it dry out overnight before completing the underpainting tomorrow.

I really do love the Pre-Raphaelites and am trying to paint under that influence. The two paintings influencing me here are Holman Hunt's Light of the World' E R Hughes's Midsummer Eve.  Hughes was Holman Hunt's studio assistant .


  1. It's looking great! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi John, I am liking what you are doing and always appreciate when an artist shows the progression. This is going to be wonderful!

  3. Two great paintings you chose. And yours looks promising!

  4. Coming along great! I bet is is luverly to be paintng again!
