Wednesday 26 June 2013

Variety is the Spice of Life

Here are paintings #20, 21 and 22. 

The first is for my granddaughter's, Lauren, 27th birthday (she wanted seabass for her kitchen)
                               "Seabass"          John Simlett
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
14 inches x 10 inches
This is for my granddaughter Cadey (5) who wanted me to paint the famous "Hello Kitty" for her, I claim no originality or copyright here.
"Hello Kitty and Cadey"    John Simlett (from the  Comic Characrer)
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
8 inches x 6 inches

This is for my 'grandson (ish)' Jordan who wanted a PS3 controller ... I was half way through it when I was told that I was doing an Xbox controller! This is a big No! No! it seems, the fan groups are in opposition!!
I had to start again.

Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
8 inches x 6 inches
My next project is Knights in Stained Glass Windows! 

I still haven't caught up with all your blogs, sorry, but life is really getting in the way at the moment!


  1. Wonderful paintings for the family, John!! The seabass caught my eye...SO nice. I've been wanting to paint my koi's that I have in my pond..
    but just waiting for the perfect photo...

  2. All three are amazing! I can't believe you havent been painting for years John!! I love the fish - there is so much depth in that water! :0)

  3. John, you are certainly painting up a storm - and making your respective family members happy to boot! What a joy!

  4. You've certainly been busy painting! Love the seabass, John. :)

  5. It is wonderful to paint for family! All are great!

  6. What fabulously fun paintings and such a lucky family you have!

  7. Yes they all are amazing but those fish really look like they are swimming. Wow. Don't worry about being busy.. I think we all are. I am having problems even finishing things and posting on my blog right now. I got a chuckle over the No No and starting over. :))

  8. it is fun that you paint 'on demand' for your family. I bet it is fun for them to "order" something! I laughed about the wrong controller. Great paintings.

  9. I stopped doing paintings of the family "wants" a long time ago and then along come the it appears there is nothing I will not do for them.
    As always, your marvelous skills are in full bloom, John,

  10. Lucky kids that you have the range you do, John. I'm sure they were thrilled!

  11. I must have missed you. I've been busy launching a new blog involving cooking and have been negligient, but here I am.

    When you have the ability to delight the children with your skills and they know it, you just can't pass it up. I'm surprised there's no Superman or Ironman images here. Are action figures not of interest across the pond? Having boys, I was a whiz at Batman in that era. Carry on. The drawings delight and are delightful.

  12. These are great fun and so varied! All wonderful stuff in your new medium.

  13. John....where are your new paintings? :)
